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The Integration Unit in the Municipality of Mat and the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) organized today an On-line Discussion Forum with the theme "From strategy to action: Integrity Plan for local self-government units and challenges in its implementation".

The purpose of this Discussion Forum is to foster public debate on the issues of integrity at the local government level and the challenges of municipalities in meeting standards, complying with the legal framework and putting the public interest above all else. This discussion forum is organized in the framework of the 2nd Edition of the Week of Integrity entitled "Responsibility towards people and the society". The forum was attended by representatives of 61 municipalities, municipal councils, various actors working and involved in the field of good governance, accountability, transparency, etc. including civil society organizations, media and donor community, who discussed about the challenges and provided recommendations and suggestions on ways how to foster an institutional work culture that is pro-integrity and where integrity management is embedded as a good local anti-corruption practice.