Project Deliverables
The implementation of the training programme started in September 2017.
From September 2020 until August 2020 the following have been delivered:
Component I: EU desks institutional building and training
C.I.1 Institutional building aspects
- Support to establishment of 61 EU Desks across Albania (2017-2018) - 61 EU Desks composed of 61 EU Local Coordinators, 61 back-up persons were established in the first quarter of 2018. Each of the EU Desks was supplied with visibility elements and an EU Corner was installed at the entrance of each municipality as strong visibility and information tool.
- Support to the transformation of the EU Desks into European Integration and Aid Coordination Units (2018 – ongoing)
- Support to the Agency for Support of Self-Local Government to better coordinate the EU integration process at the local level
C.I.2 Capacity building aspects
- 47 trainings on 13 thematic areas:
- 7 regional trainings and 3 on-line training son EU Desk Management, Communication and Effective Writing,
- 5 regional trainings and 3 online trainings on EU policies at the local level and sharing of best practices,
- 12 regional trainings and 4 on-line training on EU funding Mechanisms, PCM and effective implementation,
- 12 thematic trainings on opened CfP;
- 3 on-line trainings with high level management of municipalities
- 3 tailor made trainings for Agency for Support of Self-Local Government and Municipality of Tirana organized
- 2 Training Clinics on CfP for Europe for Citizens and Erasmus + organized
C.I.3 Training Curricula
- A new training curricula developed for the Albanian School of Public Administration on EU, EU Institutions, Role of Local Government in the EU integration process and EU funding opportunities
- 12 e-learning modules developed
- 5 Training Manuals developed
C.I.4 Knowledge sharing and exchange with the EU Member States
TAIEX workshop and study visits:
- Support to organization of 4 TAIEX workshops for training for EU Units on the role of municipalities in the EU integration process and EU funding opportunities
- 2 study visits organized for the staff of Agency for Support of Self-Local Government and the EU Units
- 10 representatives from the EU Member State countries: Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Belgium, Check Republic and Latvia attended the trainings and other public events
C.I.5.The municipal performance assessment process
- The Performance Assessment of Municipalities (PAM) related to relation to EU integration requirements established
- Three annual assessment process successfully concluded
- 1 National Conference organised on 26 April 2018 to present the fining of 1st Assessment process
- 7 local events in the municipalities organised to present the 2018 mapping results
- 39 on-line events to present the 2019 mapping results on-going
- 2017, 2018, 2019 Performance Assessment of Reports Published
- A Web-Based Data System for Management of Information for PAM established
Component II: Networking and online communication
C.II.1.Networking events
- Albanian Network of EU Local Coordinators established: The 61 EU Local Coordinators have now established the network which was officially launched in 9th November 2018.
- A Networking Event for Line Ministries and EU Units organised in November 2019
C.II.3 Intranet Platform
- “Bashkite per ne Evrope” Intranet Platform established and operating
- A total of 781 communications and information shared
Component III: Visibility and events
C.III.1 EU Municipality Tour
- 63 big events organised jointly with the Municipalities
- 39 on-line events ongoing
C.III.2 Celebration of European Day
- 2 EU Weeks organised on the framework of EU Day and 1 EU Winter week attended and used to disseminate information to the public
- 61 EU units supported to organize 95 activities for the 2019 EU week celebrating it across Albania
- Production of 35 mini-videos supported during EU Week 2020 for the celebration by the EU Units of the EU Week 2020 under the COVID 19 restriction
- A national-wide kids completion on solidarity messages on COVID 19 and 2020 EU Week (music performance, paintings and videos) organised by the EU Units supported
- 3rd Newsletter produced and widely distributed
C.III.3 Publications and other visibility materials
- 4 leaflets (11000 pieces) 4 publications ( 12900 pieces) produced by the projects and disseminated to the EU Desks along with more than 40,000 copies of information materials provided by the MoI, Europe House and EC Publishing House ( covering more than 25 thematic areas/polices).
- 4 postcards with environment protection messages to the public printed (6000 copies) and disseminated
- 3 EU related information for kids’ education and information booklets printed ( 9000 copies)
C.III.4 Support to EU Units for the organisation of events on the grounds
- More than 22,000 citizens (40% youth) informed on the EU policies, EU symbols & History, and other related topics through organisations of 543 small events organised independently by the EU Units
- 8 EU Summer School organized by individual EU Units
- 3 EU Summer Schools organised jointly by more than 2 EU Units
- 61 tailor-made EU Corner visibility logos developed
- 61 tailored made roller banners produced
- 61 EU Corners established
- Total number of Articles published on the website: 1002
C.III.5 Social Media
- Municipality for Europe website established in March 2018 and since then until the end of August 2020, the number of visitors has passed 33,000 users
- Facebook page “BE ne qytetin tend” launched in May 2019 - until to August 2020, almost 400 posts and videos have been published.
- Twitter account "BE ne qytetin tend" created and updated regularly.