"Municipalities for Europe" project and the Albanian School of Public Administration (ASPA) organized a 3-day training on March 29-30-31, 2023, in the city of Kruja, which was held with the new staff of the European Integration Units in the 61 municipalities of Albania, as well as the teams involved in writing and implementing projects funded under the "EU for Municipalities" grant scheme.
The training focused, in the first two days, on explaining the steps for developing a project as a combined exercise between trainer guidance and a simulation of developing a project chosen by the participants, demonstrating step-by-step how to complete a project proposal application based on a specific model/document. On the third day, EU4M experts explained through practical examples, what are some of the challenges and successful cases during the process of writing a proposal.
The staff of the European Integration Units were introduced to specific topics of their daily work, such as finding partners in EU calls for proposals, review of some currently open calls and the steps to follow in the project applications to be financed from the EU, as well as step-by-step demonstrations in completing an application based on a specific model/document."